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AMPD 1st Quarter Recap

From the President:

Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim.

In 2014, AMP'D has made tremendous progress towards achieving its organizational milestones. AMP'D filed its Certificate of Formation this quarter and the Executive Team is currently awaiting a favorable response from the State of Texas. Not only has AMP'D grown in membership to 190 members across 10+ industries with varying degrees of education and professional experience, but we also experienced a boost in member participation. As a trusted community partner, AMP'D has connected its membership with the following community events this quarter: Muslim American Society's CodeFest, Brighter Horizon Academy's Engineering Week, and the Lady Entrepreneurship Seminar in Plano.

As an organization run by a collaboration of committees comprised of talented professionals who devote much of their spare time to AMP'D's mission, we have been very blessed this year. Like many young organizations, we continue to face our fair share of challenges, but with a positive attitude and a commitment to our core values of Collaboration, Humility, Accountability, Integrity and Respect, we continue to prioritize the best interest of our members by delivering high quality professional development events and service opportunities. Our commitment to raising the standard of professionalism in our community is the core of what drives us as an organization.

A very special thank you to AMP'D's Executive Team, Advisory Board and Committee Members for their time and devotion to amplifying the careers, connections and community service of our members!

Thank you!

Aisha U-Kiu

AMPD President

1st Quarter Programming

On Thursday, February 13th, 2014, AMP'D hosted its 2014 Kick-Off networking event and committee orientation: "Healthy Shakes & Handshakes" in Dallas, Texas. The program consisted of a Keynote address and Q&A by Binaka Sankaran, Account Executive at Microsoft and was attended by approximately 50 AMP'D members and guests, who enjoyed the friendly and professional atmosphere. After a brief committee orientation and presentation by our Q1 Community Service collaborator, attendees participated in an exciting round of Networking Bingo. Sarah Jamali, Lena Abuhandara, and Yasmine Javeed won first, second and third respectively and were awarded a Microsoft Office program (1st place) and Starbucks gift cards (2nd and 3rd place). AMP'D Programming would like to thank Herbalife Club in Downtown Dallas for venue sponsorship and Adeel Hozri for event photography!

1st Quarter Community Service

On Sunday, March 9th, 2014, AMP'D Community Service committee volunteered at the Islamic Circle of North America's Food Pantry in Dallas, Texas. Special thank you to the following AMP'D volunteers for participating in the morning and afternoon shifts at the food pantry: Farheen Siddiqi, Maheen Siddiqi Ahmed, Zoya Fatima, Sana Rafique, Aisha U-Kiu, Tanzina Ahmed, Ahmad Gaber, Sara Jamali, Ramiza Saiyed, Sehrish Saleem, Hiba Rahim, Tariq Admani, Asim Chida, Arooma Muhammad, Seema Muhammad and Neha Muhammad. Members reorganized the pantry, distributed essential goods to the underprivileged and even made extra runs to the grocery store during their shift to donate items the pantry was running low on. It was a very positive experience and we hope to expand our service collaboration with ICNA Food Pantry!

Coming Up in the 2nd Quarter:

April - Networking Event at the Dallas Museum of Art

May - Mentor Orientation Meeting

June - Professional Development Event

July - Community Service Project

Thank you for being a part of AMPD. Connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Plus, and join our email list.

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